COCOA photo contest underway
Photographers, whether amateur or professional, are invited to showcase their photos at this year’s photo contest hosted by the Central Oregon Council on Aging (COCOA).
Photos should be of seniors, aged 60 and above, reflecting the personality of the subject. All submissions should include one 8×10 photo, digital copy of the photo (via email or USB flash drive), and a photographer’s release form.
Champion and Reserve Champion in both the Amateur and Professional divisions will be awarded in three categories: People’s Choice (via Facebook), Professional’s Choice (chosen by photography judges), and Senior’s Choice (judged by seniors). Entries must be received by the Central Oregon Council on Aging by March 15, 2015.
For more information or a photographer’s release form, email Mail entries to Central Oregon Council on Aging at 373 NE Greenwood, Bend, Oregon 97701.