Crook County celebrates Friends of Libraries Week
As you might guess by their name, the Crook County Friends of the Library act as the library’s official cheerleaders, confidantes, well-wishers and chums – but that’s only part of the story. From October 15 – 21, Crook County Library joins libraries across the country in celebrating National Friends of Libraries Week.
In a proclamation signed by County Judge Seth Crawford, the Friends of the Library were honored for the myriad ways they contribute to the library and for the work they do to make the community a better place for reading and learning.
The Friends of the Crook County Library, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, was established in 1997 to raise funds to support library programs and services. Currently The Friends have 169 active donors and twenty volunteers.
The community donates thousands of books and other materials to the Friends each year. These donations are then sold in the Friends Bookstore and Chapters Bookstore inside the library, Third Saturday book sales, and an annual 4 th of July Sale. In 2016, the Friends provided over $22,000 that supported library programs, a Children’s Room renovation, repair of lobby lights, new tables for the Broughton Room, and book bags for new patrons.
Many of the items donated to the Friends are given away to benefit the community. Friends’ donations can be found at Redemption House, little free libraries throughout the county for English and Spanish speakers, and several other locations. The Friends also partner with the Bowman Museum to present lecture series annually in May and October (May at the Museum and Saunders Memorial Lecture Series). Lecture topics include history, cultural, the nature sciences, book authors and other related topics.
“The library has always played such an important role in my life and in my family’s life,” said Friends President Barb Franano. “I truly enjoy being able to give something back – and being an active member of this group is fun!” Other officers of the organization are Vice President Susan Swan, Treasurer Carrie Gordon, and Secretary Glenda Janssen.
Located in Prineville, Crook County Library provides traditional and innovative library resources and programming to Crook County residents of all ages. It is an environment where people come together for lifelong learning, enjoyment, and connection. To learn more, visit us at