Bend seeking Juniper Ridge advisory board members

The city of Bend is recruiting for seven community members for the Juniper Ridge Management Advisory Board. The board will be a temporary committee appointed by the Bend City Council and tasked with determining the next steps for the 500-acre city-owned, industrial-zoned site known as Juniper Ridge at Bend’s north end.
The committee work will include:
· Developing a vision, land disposition strategy and framework plan for Juniper Ridge, for consideration and adoption by the Bend City Council.
· Reviewing existing Juniper Ridge documents including the Employment Sub-District use table, CC&Rs, design guidelines, intergovernmental agreements, and recommending amendments and changes as needed after appropriate legal and planning review and other consent requirements.
· Creating an in-depth plan to implement the Juniper Ridge vision and framework. This will include a subdivision plan timed to coincide with the construction timeline for the North Interceptor Sewer Line.
Applicants with expertise in the areas of real estate, finance, industrial land development, economic development, business and related fields are encouraged to apply.
Up to two of the seven appointed members may reside outside of Bend city limits. At least one appointee must reside within the Boyd Acres Neighborhood Association.
Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Friday, March 1. To apply for the Juniper Ridge Management Advisory Board: For more information regarding the Juniper Ridge Management Advisory Board visit: