Prineville police seek public’s help to find missing woman, 83

PRINEVILLE, Ore. (KTVZ) -- Prineville police alerted the public on social media and agencies around the Northwest Monday in seeking to find a missing 83-year-old Prineville woman who left her home Saturday morning after a minor argument and last was heard from in Eastern Washington and possibly Idaho.
Here is the full Facebook post by Prineville police Lt. Larry Seymour:
Betty Counts (83) 5'6" about 165, grey hair, green eyes, wearing jean shorts, and driving a white, Infiniti, EX3, with Oregon License Plate 873MNT. Areas of Interest: Washington (Central/Eastern), Idaho, Montana, and Oregon. Last seen in Ephrata, Washington at about 1:03 AM, on July 4th. Last phone contact was July 4th, at about 930 AM, possibly near Moscow, Idaho.
On July 4th, 2021 at about 7:00 AM, Sgt. Wilson took a missing person report on a 83 year old female named Betty Counts. Betty's husband reported her as missing after she left their residence in Prineville on Saturday morning, July 3rd, after a minor argument. Earlier, she had mentioned possibly visiting a friend in Eugene Oregon, but prior to leaving she said she may visit her granddaughter in Kennewick, Washington. Betty had also mentioned visiting a family member in Montana. (It was reported Betty was not taking medications nor had she been diagnosed with Dementia, but does forget things sometimes and may have early onset of Dementia.)
While investigating this case, Sgt. Wilson spoke to the reporting party again, about two hours after taking the initial report. Sgt. Wilson learned the reporting party had spoken to Betty over the phone after he had reported her as missing. At that time, Betty reported she was in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho at some point, and got turned around while looking for fuel to return home. He encouraged her to call 911, but she didn't think she needed help. When he asked her for a landmark she said she saw a sign that said "Moscow this way." Since that phone call no one has heard from Betty.
After Betty was assigned as a missing person, we received a call from the Ephrata Police Department. They claimed to have received a 911 call from Betty on July 4th at about 1:03 AM. It was reported to them that she was in a white "fusion" in the US Bank parking lot and she was lost. She claimed she was trying to get home, but didn't know her address. Betty was offered a room to stay in for the evening, but she refused and just wanted to know how to get to I90. Officers reported she left the area headed south out of Ephrata.
We have had a 30-minute ping set up on Betty's phone, but her phone has been off for the majority of the day. Det. Vollmer is working with the FBI to try and navigate her path up to our last phone contact with Betty, and also working on tracking her financials to better concentrate our efforts in the areas she may be in. Betty is listed in LEDS/NCIC so if she is contacted again she will be taken in protective custody to be reunited with her family.
If you locate Betty or see her vehicle please call police immediately.
PPD Case #21000943, and case agents are Sgt. Wilson and Det. Vollmer. You can reach them by calling 541-447-4168, or by email at or
(The photo of the car is not Betty’s vehicle, but will be similar to year and make.)