Prineville police, Crook County SO still make ‘Shop with a Cop’ happen

PRINEVILLE, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The year 2020 has been an interesting and difficult year for everyone, and we all have had to adapt in one way or another to all that has been going on this year. Shop with a Cop was no exception.
Children who attend Crook County schools, both virtual and in-classroom, were selected to shop with either a Prineville police officer or a Crook County sheriff's deputy for their 2020 Christmas gifts.
Through an online process, gifts were purchased for nine local children and their families. Officers and deputies have been delivering the gift orders over the last few weeks and should be done by the first week of December, just in time to enjoy some holiday cheer.
Shop with a Cop is totally funded by donations from community members. Without their continued support, programs like this would not exist.
If you’re interested in contributing to giving Prineville and Crook County children a special holiday to remember we collect monetary donations year round. Your donations can be dropped off at the Prineville Police department, Crook County Sheriff’s Office or mailed to 400 NE 3rd Street, Prineville, OR 97754
Please put Shop with a Cop or “SWAC” in the comment line to make sure your donation goes directly to the program. Cash is also accepted; wjust put a note or letter specifying what the donation is for.
Please remember to drive carefully this winter and have a safe and happy holiday.
If you have questions or want to know more about programs like this, please reach out to Sgt. James Peterson at 541-447-4168, or reach out to us on Facebook at