State proposes rules to let disabled boaters use motors on North, South Twin Lakes

Written comments sought until Oct. 4
SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The Oregon State Marine Board solicited written comments Tuesday on proposed rules that would allow boaters with disabilities to operate motor boats at slow-no wake speed on on North and South Twin Lakes.
The proposed rules amend Oregon Administrative Rule 250-020-0091, Boat Operations in Deschutes County.
The Marine Board directed staff to draft rules that would allow the use of electric motors by persons with disabilities on the lakes. Currently, no motorboats are allowed.
The board is interested in expanding opportunities for boaters with disabilities to safely recreate by allowing them to operate with electric motors at not-to-exceed slow-no wake speed. Recent legislation (HB 3168 in the 2019 Oregon Legislature) authorizes the Marine Board to amend the regulations for North and South Twin Lakes.
Written comment will be accepted until Oct. 4 at 11:55 pm. Comments must be received prior to the closure time/date to be considered. Comments can also be submitted by email to or by U.S. Mail to Jennifer Cooper, Administrative Rules Coordinator, Oregon State Marine Board, 435 Commercial Street NE, Salem, OR 97301.
Those wishing to provide oral testimony to the Marine Board may do so by calling (503)378-2617 and leaving a concise voice message not to exceed two minutes. Audio files of these messages will be provided to the Board Members for their review.
The board will deliberate at their quarterly board meeting on Oct. 21, and may vote to adopt the proposed rules as written or to pursue another direction.
To view the proposed rules, visit