Fire destroys two-story barn in Stevens Canyon area north of Sisters; no injuries, $300,000 in losses

SISTERS, Ore. (KTVZ) – A large glow in the distance prompted a property owner north of Sisters to call in an apparent fire late Sunday night. Firefighters found that a two-story barn had burned to the ground, causing no deaths or injuries but $300,000 in losses.
Sisters-Camp Sherman Rural Fire District crews were dispatched shortly after 11 p.m. on call from a property owner who it turned out was 1 ½ miles away from the blaze in Stevens Canyon, Public Information Officer Julie Spor said.
Firefighters later were directed to the Ridge at Indian Ford subdivision and soon to a group of homes off Stevens Canyon Road. It took about 17 minutes for them to arrive on scene, and by then they found the two-story barn had burned to the ground and was mostly consumed, Spor said.
A 120-gallon propane tank near the structure was audibly flowing propane to the burning barn, and was disconnected by fire crews. The property owner’s Ring security camera footage revealed the fire likely started two or three hours before the report came in, she said.
The cause of the fire was under investigation by the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District and the Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Office. Sisters-Camp Sherman responded with 11 firefighters/emergency responders and eight vehicles. Cloverdale and Black Butte Ranch firefighters also responded, as did Deschutes County sheriff’s deputies.