‘It provides comfort to them’: New program at Hospice of Redmond provides care for patients’ pets
Assist helps hospice patients keep animals with them throughout their illness
REDMOND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- A new program at Hospice of Redmond offers welcome support to pet owners with serious health challenges.
"We saw it as a significant need for the people we serve in Central Oregon," Executive Director Jane McGuire said Wednesday.
The Hospice of Redmond is a local nonprofit providing care to Central Oregonians with terminal illnesses like cancer and dementia. As of August 1, the nonprofit has become a partner of Pet Peace of Mind.
The national program ensures hospice patients get to keep animals at home throughout their illness.
McGuire told us what happens to the animals after the owner passes away.
"What we're going to do is set up with some agencies ahead of time," she said. "So our hope is that not only will the patient know what's going to be happening with their pet, because we will have tried to find and help them find a new home for the pet, but maybe they can be even introduced to the family that will be taking the pet."
More than 40 states have established Pet Peace of Mind programs through 250 organizations. Nationally, 4,000 cats and dogs are placed each year.
Hospice of Redmond has 15 volunteers trained to take care of feeding, walking and taking the pet to the vet and groomer.
"Our team is excited to offer this to our patients, because our team loves their pets too," McGuire said. "And so and so do our volunteers. So for us to be able to offer this to our patients, so that they can keep their pets with them throughout the end of their life, it provides comfort to them. And that's what we're all about."
Pets are also required to be up to date with their rabies vaccinations. There are scholarship funds available, if you need help with your pets' needs.