Warm Springs tribal government, Indian Head Casino set to reopen

At COVID-19 response team's recommendation, govt. to run at 50 percent
WARM SPRINGS, Ore. (KTVZ) – Warm Springs tribal government plans to reopen soon, at 50 percent of normal, while Indian Head Casino will reopen Thursday, more than a month and a half after a worker tested positive for COVID-19.
The casino closed in early July, less than three weeks after reopening from a three-month closure. Numerous safety protocols had been put in place for the safety of workers and guests, from temperature checks to a 250-guest capacity, and those will continue.
Belinda Chavez, the casino's director of marketing, said they will still have limited capacity and remain a non-smoking property, along with the "playing it safe" protocols set earlier.
"We're extremely excited to be open and welcome all our guests back!" she said.
This week, meanwhile, the Warm Springs Tribal Council accepted a recommendation from the tribes’ COVID-19 response team to reopen tribal government at 50 percent. Official notice is expected soon.
As of Wednesday, tribal officials reported 254 COVID-19 cases, 33 hospitalizations and seven deaths. Thirty people with COVID-19 are receiving daily monitoring by tribal and Indian Health Service staff, while 62 close contacts are being monitored as well. There have been 2,308 negative test results.
It’s been a challenging year on the reservation, with a months-long boil-water order caused by a broken water main that recently ended after repairs were completed. Also, two large wildfires on the reservation are being fought by hundreds of firefighters.