Wildfire council recommends $4B plan to safeguard state
SALEM, Ore. (AP) — A task force created by Gov. Kate Brown says climate change, overstocked forests and understaffed fire teams have placed…
Continue ReadingSALEM, Ore. (AP) — A task force created by Gov. Kate Brown says climate change, overstocked forests and understaffed fire teams have placed…
Continue ReadingRecent cool temperatures and precipitation have brought an end to the 2019 fire season for Oregon Department of Forestry’s Central Oregon…
Continue ReadingThe 4-day-old, lightning-sparked Red Fire west of Crescent Lake in the Diamond Peak Wilderness has grown to 350 acres, and Klamath County emergency…
Continue ReadingThe nearly 3-week-old Flat Fire on southwest Oregon’s Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest has grown to more than 31,000 acres, but the over 1,100…
Continue ReadingFirefighters on the Bend-Fort Rock and Crescent ranger districts plan to continue prescribed burning operations on Thursday, if conditions remain…
Continue ReadingWeekend rainfall has prompted firefighters on the Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District to delay prescribed burn operations planned for Monday a half-mile…
Continue ReadingThe nearly 3-month-old lightning-sparked Cedar Creek Fire near Waldo Lake and east of Oakridge has reached 68% containment as the number of personnel…
Continue ReadingFirefighters’ conducting firing (burnout) operations along the primary west-side containment line in recent days have pushed the Cedar Creek Fire’s…
Continue ReadingOAKRIDGE, Ore. (KTVZ) — Firefighters are conducting burnouts to rob the 93,427-acre Cedar Creek Fire of fuel to advance, though that also has…
Continue ReadingThe Cedar Creek Fire did not grow in size Wednesday, but it is still actively burning and drawing a still-growing firefighting force of over 2,150…
Continue ReadingThe Oregon Department of Forestry drew a big crowd in Redmond Wednesday night on that controversial state wildfire risk map state officials recently…
Continue ReadingFirefighters made strong progress Monday on stopping a rash of new wildfires across Central Oregon in the wake of weekend storms and lightning,…
Continue ReadingBy JULIE WATSON and REBECCA BOONE Associated Press SAN DIEGO (AP) — Wildfires in California and Montana exploded in size overnight amid windy, hot…
Continue ReadingA wet spring followed by hot summer temperatures can make a fire like one that broke out Monday afternoon near the BNSF Railway tracks in northern…
Continue ReadingOn the first day of June, still a few weeks away from official summer — and firefighters are already hard at work on the High Desert.…
Continue ReadingCentral Oregon is under a Red Flag Warning for gusty northeast winds from 10 to 20 mph, gusting up to 30 mph and low relative humidity values in the…
Continue ReadingODOT crews continue to make progress clearing and repairing roads damaged by wildfire around the state, but there’s a lot of work to do before…
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